Thursday, October 1, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
My Soft Side.
I usually don't get caught up with emotion much. There is usually a time and place to catch a man getting a lil' choked up. After reading this upbeat story, I couldn't help myself.
Even though this is a scenario set up among two teams, the reward outweighs that immensely. It takes you a step back from the competition and superficial life, and it puts events like having a fine young person who happens to have Down's Syndrome score a touchdown into a great perspective. It is moments like these the define everyone involved from the players, coaches, and parents. I applaud the fine men and women who took a simple gesture that meant the world to this young lad.
Even though this is a scenario set up among two teams, the reward outweighs that immensely. It takes you a step back from the competition and superficial life, and it puts events like having a fine young person who happens to have Down's Syndrome score a touchdown into a great perspective. It is moments like these the define everyone involved from the players, coaches, and parents. I applaud the fine men and women who took a simple gesture that meant the world to this young lad.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Political Hero!!!
This man is my new favorite politician. For those who know me, I want to see if you know why!
Edit: Space saver for this blog!!!
Edit: Space saver for this blog!!!
Health Care Disastor
I am usually pretty open-minded. I don't really buy into the Health Care scare tactics that the left or the right spits out. I just read this article, and I must say I turned full on against health care reform. Before there was a cloud of skepticism, but no there is no way in hell I can support the Gubmint getting their hands anywhere near my health care.
I will concede the article is UK based but it is still not changing my view.
Here is a snippet from the article:
Sad. Truly pathetic, and sad.
I will concede the article is UK based but it is still not changing my view.
Here is a snippet from the article:
Miss Capewell, 23, said doctors refused to even see her son Jayden, who lived for almost two hours without any medical support.
She said he was breathing unaided, had a strong heartbeat and was even moving his arms and legs, but medics refused to admit him to a special care baby unit.
Sad. Truly pathetic, and sad.
Friday, September 4, 2009
With Regards to the Obama School Speech...
I personally feel that you can do with your kids anyway you wish to. If it were my kids, I would NOT take them out of class. I would let them go and then we can talk about what the president said around the dinner table.
I do have a problem though with teachers using this as a platform to promote certain ideas. There has been some memo passed around the blogosphere that suggests what the teachers are going to talk about--not sure about the authenticity of the memo though. I don't feel this is or should be a platform to discuss politics with young and impressionable students. That is the parents' job and should be avoided at all costs in a school setting.
I do have a problem though with teachers using this as a platform to promote certain ideas. There has been some memo passed around the blogosphere that suggests what the teachers are going to talk about--not sure about the authenticity of the memo though. I don't feel this is or should be a platform to discuss politics with young and impressionable students. That is the parents' job and should be avoided at all costs in a school setting.
More Republicans Entering the Fray...
As Obama's numbers drop, more Republicans feel the need to capitalize on the lost Hopeychangey promises that the current president lectured Americans on during the campaign and early stages of the Presidency.
The names being thrown around in the article are MSNBC morning host Joe Scarborough, General David Petraeus, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, Former Senator Rick Santorum, and Tennessee Senator Bob Corker. A list of other Republicans running for 2012 can be found by reading this.
2012 will be about the economy and national security. I don't think there will be major social issues on the table outside of ethics. But with the economy being as unstable as ever, I think this is where a strong fiscal conservative can gain some major political capital. It also depends on where the media steers us with respect to how candidates view issues.
I will delve into the candidates a little further based on the articles writing and my personal opinion on them.
He is a center-right Republican that reaches into the Conservative spectrum at times--more moderate in a sense. He has good qualities: appeal, a national forum as a TV personality, and will be able to raise money. I don't think he has the ambition to go all the way, but who knows. I like that he will take on his own party, but like the article says, that may hurt him. He is attractive across the spectrum. My take is he needs the money to be a serious contender, and right now, does not have my ears.
The big thing for Petraeus is recognition. Could people pick him out of a series of pictures and identify him correctly? His campaign would have to seriously market him nationally for him to have a chance in the primaries.
The second issue, goes with the unknown status, is that we do not know his politics. I think that is a good thing partly. He is a military man first and politics should not get in the way of doing the job of directing and helping keep our troops safe. But to be President, you have to exercise some political judgment. This is amplified by the articles questions into whether or not he is even a Republican.
My last issue is--again ties into the rest--how will Petraeus prove to the public that he can deal with issues that are not military in nature. Economics, health care, green policy (lol), and other elevated issues. We don't know yet, but he will have to start going political if he is serious.
The other guys:
Don't care...
I mean they could be good candidates, but I am not sure they are going to turn into front-runners.
The bottom line really is that I am not even 100% sure I like any candidate yet. None of the Republicans can hold a candle to Ron Paul's policy issues and logic. None of them have shown that they aren't damaged either. Palin, not to her fault really though some is, has been tarnished unfairly by the media. Romney has to explain why RomneyCare failed and that will linger. Huckabee, while attractive and pragmatic, has to get rid of the tax-hike Mike moniker.
There is one candidate that I will think can make a splash, but I won't discuss that. A time will come to do so, but I think it is better to drool or to tear down these guys and gals for now.
UPDATE: Michelle Bachmann throws this out there.
The names being thrown around in the article are MSNBC morning host Joe Scarborough, General David Petraeus, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, Former Senator Rick Santorum, and Tennessee Senator Bob Corker. A list of other Republicans running for 2012 can be found by reading this.
It’s a fool’s errand to appraise whether any of these candidates — or the half-dozen other top-tier GOP possibilities — stand a chance in 2012. And top GOP strategists say they recognize that history gives them little chance of unseating Obama if the economy improves noticeably.
"The independents who were so critical will come back to the Republican Party when they realize, as they're coming to realize, that we're the ones that can be trusted both on the economy and on national security," she [Liz Cheney] said. "So the substance is a lot more important than: Is it this person? Is it that person?"
2012 will be about the economy and national security. I don't think there will be major social issues on the table outside of ethics. But with the economy being as unstable as ever, I think this is where a strong fiscal conservative can gain some major political capital. It also depends on where the media steers us with respect to how candidates view issues.
I will delve into the candidates a little further based on the articles writing and my personal opinion on them.
As much as anything, it’s an expansive search for more options than there are at present, one that could yield a candidate as unorthodox as Scarborough, the youthful former congressman-turned-cable-TV-personality...
...Scarborough was mentioned as possible candidate for Senate seat in Florida earlier this year but told friends he was much happier hosting a popular television show and making money. Since then, he has emerged as a critic of Obama on government spending and other issues — but one who also prides himself in taking on his own party...
...“Morning Joe,” which reaches just under 500,000 viewers each day, is a strong platform for reaching voters and landing speeches before audiences of people who could vote for him or, more importantly, raise money for a presidential run. It’s also a great practice arena for getting up to speed on issues and testing ideas and lines that might one day resonate with voters.
The show could also hurt him. He has popped off on camera for hundreds of hours, giving any opponent plenty of footage to exploit. And what might make him appealing to a liberal donor in New York — his willingness to reason with opponents and buck his own party — would be appalling to many conservatives...
He is a center-right Republican that reaches into the Conservative spectrum at times--more moderate in a sense. He has good qualities: appeal, a national forum as a TV personality, and will be able to raise money. I don't think he has the ambition to go all the way, but who knows. I like that he will take on his own party, but like the article says, that may hurt him. He is attractive across the spectrum. My take is he needs the money to be a serious contender, and right now, does not have my ears.
"Well, I'd like to see Gen. Petraeus warm up,” Dole said. “I don't know anything about his politics, whether he has an interest. It's kind of a time for another Eisenhower, in my view."
This isn't the first time the popular general's name has been floated as a possible GOP savior — and it won't be the last. Petraeus has political impulses but hasn't revealed if they are conservative ones, and he might not even be a Republican.
The CFR’s Senor is skeptical, even though Petraeus would be an appealing candidate. “He has to be focused like a laser beam on Afghanistan,” Senor said. “If he is as successful in Afghanistan as he was in Iraq, nothing else matters, and he will instantly be considered a top-tier candidate for president.
“But in order to be successful, he has to work very closely and effectively inside this administration, and very loyally to the commander-in-chief. He’s going to work successfully with this administration, and then all of a sudden announce that he’s stepping down to run against the commander in chief under which he served? As a practical matter, that’s unlikely.”
The big thing for Petraeus is recognition. Could people pick him out of a series of pictures and identify him correctly? His campaign would have to seriously market him nationally for him to have a chance in the primaries.
The second issue, goes with the unknown status, is that we do not know his politics. I think that is a good thing partly. He is a military man first and politics should not get in the way of doing the job of directing and helping keep our troops safe. But to be President, you have to exercise some political judgment. This is amplified by the articles questions into whether or not he is even a Republican.
My last issue is--again ties into the rest--how will Petraeus prove to the public that he can deal with issues that are not military in nature. Economics, health care, green policy (lol), and other elevated issues. We don't know yet, but he will have to start going political if he is serious.
The other guys:
Don't care...
I mean they could be good candidates, but I am not sure they are going to turn into front-runners.
The bottom line really is that I am not even 100% sure I like any candidate yet. None of the Republicans can hold a candle to Ron Paul's policy issues and logic. None of them have shown that they aren't damaged either. Palin, not to her fault really though some is, has been tarnished unfairly by the media. Romney has to explain why RomneyCare failed and that will linger. Huckabee, while attractive and pragmatic, has to get rid of the tax-hike Mike moniker.
There is one candidate that I will think can make a splash, but I won't discuss that. A time will come to do so, but I think it is better to drool or to tear down these guys and gals for now.
UPDATE: Michelle Bachmann throws this out there.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Democrats Just Get Roasted...
When Nancy Pelosi lied to everyone about the CIA, it broke down the strong link between intelligence and briefing. When bloggers get everything confused, we understand how poorly the left understands intelligence.
There should be really no need for it. Oversight is needed, but Congressional Hearings are definitely not something we should be airing to the world. And really, because someone digs their heels in means they have a stronger position? I guess there were WMD's since Bush stood firmly on that. What is Congress going to sort out? They have their hands tied with everything and anything that is not CIA related.
Then this news comes out from a pretty moderate writer. Note to Obama: if you are going to appoint amateurs, then deal with the consequences. You don't want to be held accountable for any of your actions, because you are too damn arrogant to ever admit you make a mistake. Panetta is just like you, an amateur at best. Your White House is a mockery of the Free World from foreign policy (although Hilary is a shining star) to economics (which you have no clue what to do - GEITTTTTHHHHHNER LOL). Putting politics ahead of national security is a sure sign that this administration really doesn't care about the citizens.
Either way, her statement today practically ensures, as Talking Points Memo points out, that some sort of truth commission or robust congressional investigation will get to the bottom of it. Pelosi supports a commission, and Obama opposes one. The fact that she's just dug in her heels and accused the CIA—both its Bush-era incarnation and the current one—of lying strengthens her position. It will be tough and messy for Obama to leave this to Congress to sort out.
There should be really no need for it. Oversight is needed, but Congressional Hearings are definitely not something we should be airing to the world. And really, because someone digs their heels in means they have a stronger position? I guess there were WMD's since Bush stood firmly on that. What is Congress going to sort out? They have their hands tied with everything and anything that is not CIA related.
Then this news comes out from a pretty moderate writer. Note to Obama: if you are going to appoint amateurs, then deal with the consequences. You don't want to be held accountable for any of your actions, because you are too damn arrogant to ever admit you make a mistake. Panetta is just like you, an amateur at best. Your White House is a mockery of the Free World from foreign policy (although Hilary is a shining star) to economics (which you have no clue what to do - GEITTTTTHHHHHNER LOL). Putting politics ahead of national security is a sure sign that this administration really doesn't care about the citizens.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Gates Redux
Bob Dylan handled himself well. He definitely gained some points in my book after two young officers--who did not know who he was-asked him for ID after reports of a strange man roaming the streets.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Here it is! Dissent, whether peaceful or disruptive, is un-American. I just can't fathom these two idiots. Reality, they are out of touch with it. Partisanship, they only adhere to their own party. All too soon they forget that protests that BOOOOOOOOOOSH put up with as well as any Republican that stepped foot on a college campus.
Pelosi and Hoyer are playing politics with the American public. These are the people that get to vote for you to have a job. With employment at 9.5%, I certainly hope the American voter can bump that figure up by voting out the condescending pricks in Government.
Pelosi and Hoyer are playing politics with the American public. These are the people that get to vote for you to have a job. With employment at 9.5%, I certainly hope the American voter can bump that figure up by voting out the condescending pricks in Government.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Simply Amazing!
Finally, someone in the GOP political advertisement area has their head on straight. I used to dread seeing how bad the ads were. They were simply horrible.
Now we get this. Short, sweet, makes a point. It is easy to connect the dots and draw conclusions from this. There is nothing at all confusing.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Beat Em All Down...
Think it is time to collect videos of rowdy mobs. Post the ones where liberal peace-loving idiots are beating people.
First Amendment Rights...
Listen to this. Then apply this to the Gates case. Listen to what the African American lady says...
The cops are being used as puppets to silence free speech.
The cops are being used as puppets to silence free speech.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Attack the Message, not the Messangers...
It is becoming very clear that Democrats did not take political science classes. They are engaging in a war on messages using the wrong type of ammunition. This is very, very simple. They need to look at how they beat Republicans in the past and see what the message both sides were using.
Democrats control everything: the White House, Congress, and the media. They can easily get out a clear and concise message out without anyone really questioning it. Yet, they decided to make this an issue of how people are protesting and clearly underestimating the effect of this. They think they are still in campaign mode. The issue to the American people is not who is delivering the message--as demonstrated in the past by extreme left-wing groups that Republican attacked instead of addressing the issues. Republicans, for once, attacked the message and the policy, and it is finally getting through their thick heads that this is the way to win over independents. Attacking a group or any citizen usually backfires unless that group or citizen is extremely controversial. Even then, it is hard to get the message across.
Democrats are attacking non-politicians and targeting common people. This is supposedly the post-partisan Obama era. We see ads featuring birthers (irrelevant), Rush Limbaugh (an entertainer who is political), and health care protesters (who can certainly be liberal, independent, and conservative but still dislike the plan). Are these the cards the Democrats want to play after seeing the history of Republicans attempting to do the same while failing? The public will not respond positively to the government attacking the people that vote for them. The public will respond though; it will be in the ballot box.
More on this issue, some I agree with and some I think the author misses the point.
Edit: I forgot to add, the funny part about this, as I am sure people have seen, is that the former community organizer is getting upset about "communities organizing." Even if this was manufactured (95% of the protests are not), it would be the best case of irony.
Democrats control everything: the White House, Congress, and the media. They can easily get out a clear and concise message out without anyone really questioning it. Yet, they decided to make this an issue of how people are protesting and clearly underestimating the effect of this. They think they are still in campaign mode. The issue to the American people is not who is delivering the message--as demonstrated in the past by extreme left-wing groups that Republican attacked instead of addressing the issues. Republicans, for once, attacked the message and the policy, and it is finally getting through their thick heads that this is the way to win over independents. Attacking a group or any citizen usually backfires unless that group or citizen is extremely controversial. Even then, it is hard to get the message across.
Democrats are attacking non-politicians and targeting common people. This is supposedly the post-partisan Obama era. We see ads featuring birthers (irrelevant), Rush Limbaugh (an entertainer who is political), and health care protesters (who can certainly be liberal, independent, and conservative but still dislike the plan). Are these the cards the Democrats want to play after seeing the history of Republicans attempting to do the same while failing? The public will not respond positively to the government attacking the people that vote for them. The public will respond though; it will be in the ballot box.
More on this issue, some I agree with and some I think the author misses the point.
Edit: I forgot to add, the funny part about this, as I am sure people have seen, is that the former community organizer is getting upset about "communities organizing." Even if this was manufactured (95% of the protests are not), it would be the best case of irony.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Good Poli Ad
From Hot Air,
Incredibly, with voters nervous about the cost and quality of ObamaCare, the left’s putting its chips on “mobs,” “extremists,” and “extremist mobs.” The GOP, rather more shrewdly, is betting on “experiment” and “government takeover.” For once, I like our odds.
I have to give it to Hot Air. I really feel like they were sitting next to me when I was sitting in my political science classrooms. I haven't really visited them until recently. I will now consider myself a follower.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Buyer's Remorse?
I am not going to link the articles I have been reading for the past couple days. I don't recall or have most of them saved. I will offer some of the sentiment and underlying issues that are present in the themes of some of the articles though. :)
You can see by the poll number reported by various pollsters that Obama is still popular as a person, but his policies are failing to get serious acclaim from the public. I will vouch that Obama is probably a decent guy with some shady connections and ideas. Take away his horrible ideas, policies, and relationships, he would be an alright guy to hang out with.
His policies, though, are falling fast among the fine citizens of the US of A. Most polls are diving and swinging away from favoring them. Health Care has found itself taking the brunt of the animosity. His rhetoric is not sticking because he simply cannot talk about this in simplistic fashion. His policy agenda on Health Care is not sticking because people are thinking this is too much, too fast.
All that is general, but that doesn't address that issue of buyer's remorse. Polls are showing that Democrats are standing firm on Obama in general. He has lost some support, but not a lot. That is expected. The base will stick with him until the ship officially sinks and then and only then will they jump ship like a pack of rats.
The source of buyer's remorse seems to be coming from the independents and moderate republicans who voted for him. His numbers are tanking among these demographics. Losing support across the board. I am wondering if people are feeling buyer's remorse with regards to their vote. Again, this is not to say the McCain was going to be significantly better or worse.
I am going to begin talking to these people who were the middle of the road types and see how they feel now. They had no clue what they were voting for except campaign promises and rhetoric.
So as the kinks in the armor are starting to show through, the people who were shaky on their vote for Obama in the first place might be regretting that decision now.
You can see by the poll number reported by various pollsters that Obama is still popular as a person, but his policies are failing to get serious acclaim from the public. I will vouch that Obama is probably a decent guy with some shady connections and ideas. Take away his horrible ideas, policies, and relationships, he would be an alright guy to hang out with.
His policies, though, are falling fast among the fine citizens of the US of A. Most polls are diving and swinging away from favoring them. Health Care has found itself taking the brunt of the animosity. His rhetoric is not sticking because he simply cannot talk about this in simplistic fashion. His policy agenda on Health Care is not sticking because people are thinking this is too much, too fast.
All that is general, but that doesn't address that issue of buyer's remorse. Polls are showing that Democrats are standing firm on Obama in general. He has lost some support, but not a lot. That is expected. The base will stick with him until the ship officially sinks and then and only then will they jump ship like a pack of rats.
The source of buyer's remorse seems to be coming from the independents and moderate republicans who voted for him. His numbers are tanking among these demographics. Losing support across the board. I am wondering if people are feeling buyer's remorse with regards to their vote. Again, this is not to say the McCain was going to be significantly better or worse.
I am going to begin talking to these people who were the middle of the road types and see how they feel now. They had no clue what they were voting for except campaign promises and rhetoric.
So as the kinks in the armor are starting to show through, the people who were shaky on their vote for Obama in the first place might be regretting that decision now.
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Days of Classy Liberals are Over...
Sarah Palin is getting a run down. I can't recall anyone receiving treatment like this since maybe...hell I don't even know. First it is Trig. Then it is a wedding ring. NOW IT IS A DIVORCE LOL! More here
The rumor was started by some ultimate douchebag, Dennis Zaki. I take this with the same grain of salt I take the "birthers." I have yet to see convincing evidence from the sides making the claims in both the birthers and the divorcers. The evidence is presumptuous and purely conjecture.
But here comes the hammer! Smacked the f*** down.
Sarah Palin, if you read this, sue this scum for libel. It appears that they haven't seen you recently.
The rumor was started by some ultimate douchebag, Dennis Zaki. I take this with the same grain of salt I take the "birthers." I have yet to see convincing evidence from the sides making the claims in both the birthers and the divorcers. The evidence is presumptuous and purely conjecture.
But here comes the hammer! Smacked the f*** down.
Sarah Palin, if you read this, sue this scum for libel. It appears that they haven't seen you recently.
Elections have consequences. This election is just going to f*** us over so hard because people took style over substance. If this is the punishment for the last 8 years, then file it under cruel and unusual.
Health Care,
Obama Officially Sucks
Sunday, August 2, 2009
You RACIST!!! Wait what???
Racial profiling has gone on for far too long. How do people get away with this? Our country has come to far to still have police agencies and investigative bureaus using this dated and racist ploy to haul people in.
A story comes out to confirm this.
"Sir, this is about profiling white people."
What??? You have to be kidding me? How do you profile white people? This can't be happening. Seriously, how does profiling help law enforcement catch white people? Whatever, I just wanted to spew talking points from the left.
Yeah, good catch, but this is only one local and isolated incident.
"You forgot about this one."
What is this garbage? I want to talk about how unfairly black people are targeted. What is this? Oh, there is some secondary information?
Yeah, I see your point. Racial profiling has a niche role in police activity. It is a gamble, but it does save police money and resources. Some people will find themselves inconvenienced by this process, but at the same time, it does help find people that fit into a stereotype of who commits certain crimes.
Now don't get me wrong, there should be some checks in place for policing work that is unjustly targeting people. But for the mean time, I can tolerate being a target as long as others can.
A story comes out to confirm this.
"Sir, this is about profiling white people."
What??? You have to be kidding me? How do you profile white people? This can't be happening. Seriously, how does profiling help law enforcement catch white people? Whatever, I just wanted to spew talking points from the left.
Yeah, good catch, but this is only one local and isolated incident.
"You forgot about this one."
What is this garbage? I want to talk about how unfairly black people are targeted. What is this? Oh, there is some secondary information?
Yeah, I see your point. Racial profiling has a niche role in police activity. It is a gamble, but it does save police money and resources. Some people will find themselves inconvenienced by this process, but at the same time, it does help find people that fit into a stereotype of who commits certain crimes.
Now don't get me wrong, there should be some checks in place for policing work that is unjustly targeting people. But for the mean time, I can tolerate being a target as long as others can.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Hilary Posturing for a Run?
Interesting read. I think Hilary would have us in a better situation that BHO. You heard it here! It would also be too easy to make a pants suit joke as well.
Imagine the DMV, State Licensing and Registration, and Health Care...
What is the best thing about going to the government run bureaus? The friendly service? NO! The short lines? NO! The happy and festive forest creatures rejoicing? NO!
Okay all sarcasm aside, the worst part of going to any of these places is filling out the paperwork...
Apply this to government run health care reform...
Okay all sarcasm aside, the worst part of going to any of these places is filling out the paperwork...
Apply this to government run health care reform...
All Good Things Come to an End!!!
I am sure you have seen this by now.
All is well that seems well, right? Well if things do end up going unholy...
All is well that seems well, right? Well if things do end up going unholy...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Food Study!
Between my cohorts and I, we discuss food. There is a difference in cuisine and taste. Some folks prefer comfort foods while others head straight for the five-star staged meals. But what I believe separates us from the rest of the crowd is that not only do we enjoy the meals that are prepared for us, we love the meals we can prepare for others. This ties into the debate about people who enjoy using organics versus the ordinary store bought. I lie smack dab in the middle of it. Ordinary food usually is cheaper and can be found at any time through out the year. Organic, local, and non-chemical usually are healthier and touch your taste buds differently, but for a price.
A new study out provides us with some new information. It confirms some of my feelings that organics are just marginally better than non-organics. The conservative part of me cheers this as a victory to cost. The taste aficionado puts his head down and kicks the dirt a little after this news. I question some of the aspects of this test as it does not address pesticide and genetic engineering that organic foods are free of. I think it does put some of the health benefit arguments to rest, which is what I did think all along.
But all in all, it does address one more key point. Organics have been hurting lately due in part to the world-wide recession. Organic is a luxury or commodity market. You don't necessarily need it, but it is nice to spend a few extra bucks to get something more than you would ordinarily get. This applies to more markets than just organic foods. This is a high-end recession that is hurting the people with money and it applies to all the markets those people would venture to.
Sorry for the lack of creativity and rather boring write-up, but I needed to get this out there ASAP. Food has no time to wait!
A new study out provides us with some new information. It confirms some of my feelings that organics are just marginally better than non-organics. The conservative part of me cheers this as a victory to cost. The taste aficionado puts his head down and kicks the dirt a little after this news. I question some of the aspects of this test as it does not address pesticide and genetic engineering that organic foods are free of. I think it does put some of the health benefit arguments to rest, which is what I did think all along.
But all in all, it does address one more key point. Organics have been hurting lately due in part to the world-wide recession. Organic is a luxury or commodity market. You don't necessarily need it, but it is nice to spend a few extra bucks to get something more than you would ordinarily get. This applies to more markets than just organic foods. This is a high-end recession that is hurting the people with money and it applies to all the markets those people would venture to.
Sorry for the lack of creativity and rather boring write-up, but I needed to get this out there ASAP. Food has no time to wait!
Monday, July 27, 2009
The Honduras Crisis...
Another instance where our Government opened their big fat mouth without collecting reasonable evidence in a situation. Instead the Chicken Littled the ousting and championed anti-constitutional methods. For the liberals that support our Constitution find no need to respect other countries.
The interim President, Roberto Micheletti, presents his side of the case.
As to why Zelaya was "ousted,"
"• The Supreme Court, by a 15-0 vote, found that Mr. Zelaya had acted illegally by proceeding with an unconstitutional “referendum,” and it ordered the Armed Forces to arrest him. The military executed the arrest order of the Supreme Court because it was the appropriate agency to do so under Honduran law."
Who decided to do this? Well members from his own party did.
"• Eight of the 15 votes on the Supreme Court were cast by members of Mr. Zelaya’s own Liberal Party. Strange that the pro-Zelaya propagandists who talk about the rule of law forget to mention the unanimous Supreme Court decision with a majority from Mr. Zelaya’s own party. Thus, Mr. Zelaya’s arrest was at the instigation of Honduran’s constitutional and civilian authorities—not the military.
• The Honduran Congress voted overwhelmingly in support of removing Mr. Zelaya. The vote included a majority of members of Mr. Zelaya’s Liberal Party."
Well what power does the Congress and Supreme Court have to even do this?
"• The constitution expressly states in Article 239 that any president who seeks to amend the constitution and extend his term is automatically disqualified and is no longer president. There is no express provision for an impeachment process in the Honduran constitution. But the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision affirmed that Mr. Zelaya was attempting to extend his term with his illegal referendum. Thus, at the time of his arrest he was no longer—as a matter of law, as far as the Supreme Court was concerned—president of Honduras."
You can read the rest of the eloquent article by Micheletti. But what bothers me is the double talk by liberals when it comes to the Constitution. They have such poor interpretation skills then you pair that with how loosely the interpret our own. They have some regard when the Constitution acts against them, but then have no problem interpreting it otherwise when they benefit.
The interim President, Roberto Micheletti, presents his side of the case.
As to why Zelaya was "ousted,"
"• The Supreme Court, by a 15-0 vote, found that Mr. Zelaya had acted illegally by proceeding with an unconstitutional “referendum,” and it ordered the Armed Forces to arrest him. The military executed the arrest order of the Supreme Court because it was the appropriate agency to do so under Honduran law."
Who decided to do this? Well members from his own party did.
"• Eight of the 15 votes on the Supreme Court were cast by members of Mr. Zelaya’s own Liberal Party. Strange that the pro-Zelaya propagandists who talk about the rule of law forget to mention the unanimous Supreme Court decision with a majority from Mr. Zelaya’s own party. Thus, Mr. Zelaya’s arrest was at the instigation of Honduran’s constitutional and civilian authorities—not the military.
• The Honduran Congress voted overwhelmingly in support of removing Mr. Zelaya. The vote included a majority of members of Mr. Zelaya’s Liberal Party."
Well what power does the Congress and Supreme Court have to even do this?
"• The constitution expressly states in Article 239 that any president who seeks to amend the constitution and extend his term is automatically disqualified and is no longer president. There is no express provision for an impeachment process in the Honduran constitution. But the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision affirmed that Mr. Zelaya was attempting to extend his term with his illegal referendum. Thus, at the time of his arrest he was no longer—as a matter of law, as far as the Supreme Court was concerned—president of Honduras."
You can read the rest of the eloquent article by Micheletti. But what bothers me is the double talk by liberals when it comes to the Constitution. They have such poor interpretation skills then you pair that with how loosely the interpret our own. They have some regard when the Constitution acts against them, but then have no problem interpreting it otherwise when they benefit.
Obama's Gates Review
I am not going to comment on the facts of the case. They are in dispute with most people playing armchair lawyer. No one seems to get that Gates and Crowley are innocent until proven guilty. No one seems to want to address the police report as right factually, instead they believe he lied (not only lied to Gates, but to the Cambridge PD who backs him). Not only does lying mean he could lose his job, but he could face a substantial civil suit. Regardless, this is why Obama acted stupidly.
The comments have taken over the news cycle more than his health care reform. He should have understood that the reaction to his comments, if he supported one party over the other, would drive news media to fester over this. Not only did the media and the blogosphere come to the rescue like Lassie, but this is all they are talking about. Health care took a back seat to the discussion (don't worry I am still all over it) especially when August recess is looming.
As chief law enforcement officer, a lawyer, and a constitutional law professor, he should have known much better than to proclaim, "I don't know all the facts, but I am going to say so and so acted in such way." Lady Justice is blind and doesn't appreciate you placing your finger on her scale. He should have taken a step back and allowed the legal system to satisfy and vindicate whoever was wronged before a comment. If you can wait to make a comment in the face of Iranians being beaten, you can definitely wait to make a comment in this circumstance.
Barack Obama was trumpeted as being the one who was going to be a "racial healer." Not only did his comments stick a stake between races, he decidedly facilitated it more than it should have been. Many moderate-conservative democrats from the flyover states didn't take kindly to these words even though they supported him in the election.
Needless to say, this may be forgotten when it comes to 2012, but it still shows you the cards he is going to play when similar situations come up. I will also add that there may be a relative small aspect of race, but the overlying issue here was elitism.
The comments have taken over the news cycle more than his health care reform. He should have understood that the reaction to his comments, if he supported one party over the other, would drive news media to fester over this. Not only did the media and the blogosphere come to the rescue like Lassie, but this is all they are talking about. Health care took a back seat to the discussion (don't worry I am still all over it) especially when August recess is looming.
As chief law enforcement officer, a lawyer, and a constitutional law professor, he should have known much better than to proclaim, "I don't know all the facts, but I am going to say so and so acted in such way." Lady Justice is blind and doesn't appreciate you placing your finger on her scale. He should have taken a step back and allowed the legal system to satisfy and vindicate whoever was wronged before a comment. If you can wait to make a comment in the face of Iranians being beaten, you can definitely wait to make a comment in this circumstance.
Barack Obama was trumpeted as being the one who was going to be a "racial healer." Not only did his comments stick a stake between races, he decidedly facilitated it more than it should have been. Many moderate-conservative democrats from the flyover states didn't take kindly to these words even though they supported him in the election.
Needless to say, this may be forgotten when it comes to 2012, but it still shows you the cards he is going to play when similar situations come up. I will also add that there may be a relative small aspect of race, but the overlying issue here was elitism.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Better than Geithner
Great explanation of a complicated process. This is transparency and translation that allows the common person to understand the most complex forces that make our government churn.
h/t JTH.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Hope and Change!
Clearly ready to take on the unknown...
Or is he?
Having campaign supporters lob you softball after softball is a mark of a true president. Something about Hope and Change being preached during the campaign makes you wonder if the spark is still there. If Barack Obama is not even willing to take random questions, what makes him ready to even take on angry dissent in other countries from political leaders?
Or is he?
Having campaign supporters lob you softball after softball is a mark of a true president. Something about Hope and Change being preached during the campaign makes you wonder if the spark is still there. If Barack Obama is not even willing to take random questions, what makes him ready to even take on angry dissent in other countries from political leaders?
Friday, March 27, 2009
I couldn't believe this. I remembered the whole taxing health insurance thing that Obama pounded McCain on. Obama struck fear into many employers and self-insured people. Fear mongering 101, here is the lesson. Although I am too lazy to find the actual Obama campaign video, I did find this instead.
Okay. Well that is all good and such. Make an attack on something that is untrue.
Here comes this bit of news. There are other sites to look at but this one is gold.
Obama taxing health insurance might be an option!
What the hell? This is how you win an election apparently.
Okay. Well that is all good and such. Make an attack on something that is untrue.
Here comes this bit of news. There are other sites to look at but this one is gold.
Obama taxing health insurance might be an option!
What the hell? This is how you win an election apparently.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Seperate but Equal Treatment in the Media? Obama, Windows, Bushes, and Birds!!
Even though the title has racial implications, this has NOTHING to do with race. It has A LOT to do with political parties though. This just goes to show that there is plenty of Grade A hypocrisy to go around. Do you remember how often cable news networks, faux cable news networks, and YouTube videos were out for Bush's great door flub? A LOT. Why can't the media just take a small jab at Obama for running into a window? I give the White House attendants a lot of credit for having squeaky clean windows to make even the best birds stand up and clap for Barack's masterful window face plant.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Tolerance, Liberals, and Iran
This is Social Tolerance???
I have a few liberal friends say that we should not engage Iran in any aggressive talks or actions. The reason they point to the most: they are as tolerant, if not more, than any American. Really? I have not been to Iran, and I am pretty sure none of my liberal friends. I just wonder why they claim that these people are just as tolerant and have freedoms just as we Americans do.
This is just another reoccuring theme of Iranian men showing how tolerant they really are. My liberal friends couldn't defend this story as well as other stories similar to the disrespect towards women.
I have a few liberal friends say that we should not engage Iran in any aggressive talks or actions. The reason they point to the most: they are as tolerant, if not more, than any American. Really? I have not been to Iran, and I am pretty sure none of my liberal friends. I just wonder why they claim that these people are just as tolerant and have freedoms just as we Americans do.
This is just another reoccuring theme of Iranian men showing how tolerant they really are. My liberal friends couldn't defend this story as well as other stories similar to the disrespect towards women.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The Green Movement Finally Has Me Sold
Bullet pointed comments are going to be fun times.
-What about the average Chinese person? They pollute a metric ass ton. Survey says?
-WHAT THE HELL??? It is not 5 months. It is 4.8 months. That means I am losing 6 days on the average 30 day month. Talk about being shortchanged!!! Misleading title!
-On average, particulate matter levels fell from 21 micrograms per cubic meter of air to 14 micrograms per cubic meter in the cities studied. At the same time, Americans lived an average 2.72 years longer. WINS.
-They attributed the increase to falling mortality rates for nine of the 15 leading causes of death, including heart disease, cancer, accidents and diabetes. LOSES. I was just told earlier on in the article that clean ass air will make me live a little bit longer. To be quite frank, I never heard of clean ass air (CAA for those Rachel Ray fans) helping prevent any of those. LIES :(
Bullet pointed comments are going to be fun times.
-What about the average Chinese person? They pollute a metric ass ton. Survey says?
-WHAT THE HELL??? It is not 5 months. It is 4.8 months. That means I am losing 6 days on the average 30 day month. Talk about being shortchanged!!! Misleading title!
-On average, particulate matter levels fell from 21 micrograms per cubic meter of air to 14 micrograms per cubic meter in the cities studied. At the same time, Americans lived an average 2.72 years longer. WINS.
-They attributed the increase to falling mortality rates for nine of the 15 leading causes of death, including heart disease, cancer, accidents and diabetes. LOSES. I was just told earlier on in the article that clean ass air will make me live a little bit longer. To be quite frank, I never heard of clean ass air (CAA for those Rachel Ray fans) helping prevent any of those. LIES :(
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Symbolism Taken To The Extreme...
Remember when Bush had the $44 million inauguration in 2005? Lefties were furious, and Bush Derangement Syndrome was spreading like a wild fire. Obama's PARTAY will reportedly cost $145 million. That is one expensive party.
Now this...
Too much symbolism
It seems that everything Barack does is a scripted PR dream. When is this guy going to do something that is just spur of the moment? It is beginning to dawn on me that his transition team is more about the celebrity rather than the office. It also makes me feel that his team is afraid of him to make spur of the moment decisions. But after that slight derail, I think President Obama should just be himself and not try to out-do or one-up past presidents.
Now this...
Too much symbolism
It seems that everything Barack does is a scripted PR dream. When is this guy going to do something that is just spur of the moment? It is beginning to dawn on me that his transition team is more about the celebrity rather than the office. It also makes me feel that his team is afraid of him to make spur of the moment decisions. But after that slight derail, I think President Obama should just be himself and not try to out-do or one-up past presidents.
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