Either way, her statement today practically ensures, as Talking Points Memo points out, that some sort of truth commission or robust congressional investigation will get to the bottom of it. Pelosi supports a commission, and Obama opposes one. The fact that she's just dug in her heels and accused the CIA—both its Bush-era incarnation and the current one—of lying strengthens her position. It will be tough and messy for Obama to leave this to Congress to sort out.
There should be really no need for it. Oversight is needed, but Congressional Hearings are definitely not something we should be airing to the world. And really, because someone digs their heels in means they have a stronger position? I guess there were WMD's since Bush stood firmly on that. What is Congress going to sort out? They have their hands tied with everything and anything that is not CIA related.
Then this news comes out from a pretty moderate writer. Note to Obama: if you are going to appoint amateurs, then deal with the consequences. You don't want to be held accountable for any of your actions, because you are too damn arrogant to ever admit you make a mistake. Panetta is just like you, an amateur at best. Your White House is a mockery of the Free World from foreign policy (although Hilary is a shining star) to economics (which you have no clue what to do - GEITTTTTHHHHHNER LOL). Putting politics ahead of national security is a sure sign that this administration really doesn't care about the citizens.
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