Thursday, August 20, 2009

Democrats Just Get Roasted...

When Nancy Pelosi lied to everyone about the CIA, it broke down the strong link between intelligence and briefing. When bloggers get everything confused, we understand how poorly the left understands intelligence.

Either way, her statement today practically ensures, as Talking Points Memo points out, that some sort of truth commission or robust congressional investigation will get to the bottom of it. Pelosi supports a commission, and Obama opposes one. The fact that she's just dug in her heels and accused the CIA—both its Bush-era incarnation and the current one—of lying strengthens her position. It will be tough and messy for Obama to leave this to Congress to sort out.

There should be really no need for it. Oversight is needed, but Congressional Hearings are definitely not something we should be airing to the world. And really, because someone digs their heels in means they have a stronger position? I guess there were WMD's since Bush stood firmly on that. What is Congress going to sort out? They have their hands tied with everything and anything that is not CIA related.

Then this news comes out from a pretty moderate writer. Note to Obama: if you are going to appoint amateurs, then deal with the consequences. You don't want to be held accountable for any of your actions, because you are too damn arrogant to ever admit you make a mistake. Panetta is just like you, an amateur at best. Your White House is a mockery of the Free World from foreign policy (although Hilary is a shining star) to economics (which you have no clue what to do - GEITTTTTHHHHHNER LOL). Putting politics ahead of national security is a sure sign that this administration really doesn't care about the citizens.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Gates Redux

Bob Dylan handled himself well. He definitely gained some points in my book after two young officers--who did not know who he was-asked him for ID after reports of a strange man roaming the streets.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Here it is! Dissent, whether peaceful or disruptive, is un-American. I just can't fathom these two idiots. Reality, they are out of touch with it. Partisanship, they only adhere to their own party. All too soon they forget that protests that BOOOOOOOOOOSH put up with as well as any Republican that stepped foot on a college campus.

Pelosi and Hoyer are playing politics with the American public. These are the people that get to vote for you to have a job. With employment at 9.5%, I certainly hope the American voter can bump that figure up by voting out the condescending pricks in Government.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


After reading this, I find a lot of truth here.

It puts my skeptical side on red alert.

Yes. Yes I Am!

THE MOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Simply Amazing!

Finally, someone in the GOP political advertisement area has their head on straight. I used to dread seeing how bad the ads were. They were simply horrible.

Now we get this. Short, sweet, makes a point. It is easy to connect the dots and draw conclusions from this. There is nothing at all confusing.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Beat Em All Down...

Think it is time to collect videos of rowdy mobs. Post the ones where liberal peace-loving idiots are beating people.

First Amendment Rights...

Listen to this. Then apply this to the Gates case. Listen to what the African American lady says...

The cops are being used as puppets to silence free speech.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Attack the Message, not the Messangers...

It is becoming very clear that Democrats did not take political science classes. They are engaging in a war on messages using the wrong type of ammunition. This is very, very simple. They need to look at how they beat Republicans in the past and see what the message both sides were using.

Democrats control everything: the White House, Congress, and the media. They can easily get out a clear and concise message out without anyone really questioning it. Yet, they decided to make this an issue of how people are protesting and clearly underestimating the effect of this. They think they are still in campaign mode. The issue to the American people is not who is delivering the message--as demonstrated in the past by extreme left-wing groups that Republican attacked instead of addressing the issues. Republicans, for once, attacked the message and the policy, and it is finally getting through their thick heads that this is the way to win over independents. Attacking a group or any citizen usually backfires unless that group or citizen is extremely controversial. Even then, it is hard to get the message across.

Democrats are attacking non-politicians and targeting common people. This is supposedly the post-partisan Obama era. We see ads featuring birthers (irrelevant), Rush Limbaugh (an entertainer who is political), and health care protesters (who can certainly be liberal, independent, and conservative but still dislike the plan). Are these the cards the Democrats want to play after seeing the history of Republicans attempting to do the same while failing? The public will not respond positively to the government attacking the people that vote for them. The public will respond though; it will be in the ballot box.

More on this issue, some I agree with and some I think the author misses the point.

Edit: I forgot to add, the funny part about this, as I am sure people have seen, is that the former community organizer is getting upset about "communities organizing." Even if this was manufactured (95% of the protests are not), it would be the best case of irony.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Good Poli Ad

From Hot Air,

Incredibly, with voters nervous about the cost and quality of ObamaCare, the left’s putting its chips on “mobs,” “extremists,” and “extremist mobs.” The GOP, rather more shrewdly, is betting on “experiment” and “government takeover.” For once, I like our odds.

I have to give it to Hot Air. I really feel like they were sitting next to me when I was sitting in my political science classrooms. I haven't really visited them until recently. I will now consider myself a follower.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Buyer's Remorse?

I am not going to link the articles I have been reading for the past couple days. I don't recall or have most of them saved. I will offer some of the sentiment and underlying issues that are present in the themes of some of the articles though. :)

You can see by the poll number reported by various pollsters that Obama is still popular as a person, but his policies are failing to get serious acclaim from the public. I will vouch that Obama is probably a decent guy with some shady connections and ideas. Take away his horrible ideas, policies, and relationships, he would be an alright guy to hang out with.

His policies, though, are falling fast among the fine citizens of the US of A. Most polls are diving and swinging away from favoring them. Health Care has found itself taking the brunt of the animosity. His rhetoric is not sticking because he simply cannot talk about this in simplistic fashion. His policy agenda on Health Care is not sticking because people are thinking this is too much, too fast.

All that is general, but that doesn't address that issue of buyer's remorse. Polls are showing that Democrats are standing firm on Obama in general. He has lost some support, but not a lot. That is expected. The base will stick with him until the ship officially sinks and then and only then will they jump ship like a pack of rats.

The source of buyer's remorse seems to be coming from the independents and moderate republicans who voted for him. His numbers are tanking among these demographics. Losing support across the board. I am wondering if people are feeling buyer's remorse with regards to their vote. Again, this is not to say the McCain was going to be significantly better or worse.

I am going to begin talking to these people who were the middle of the road types and see how they feel now. They had no clue what they were voting for except campaign promises and rhetoric.

So as the kinks in the armor are starting to show through, the people who were shaky on their vote for Obama in the first place might be regretting that decision now.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Days of Classy Liberals are Over...

Sarah Palin is getting a run down. I can't recall anyone receiving treatment like this since maybe...hell I don't even know. First it is Trig. Then it is a wedding ring. NOW IT IS A DIVORCE LOL! More here

The rumor was started by some ultimate douchebag, Dennis Zaki. I take this with the same grain of salt I take the "birthers." I have yet to see convincing evidence from the sides making the claims in both the birthers and the divorcers. The evidence is presumptuous and purely conjecture.

But here comes the hammer! Smacked the f*** down.

Sarah Palin, if you read this, sue this scum for libel. It appears that they haven't seen you recently.


Elections have consequences. This election is just going to f*** us over so hard because people took style over substance. If this is the punishment for the last 8 years, then file it under cruel and unusual.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

You RACIST!!! Wait what???

Racial profiling has gone on for far too long. How do people get away with this? Our country has come to far to still have police agencies and investigative bureaus using this dated and racist ploy to haul people in.

A story comes out to confirm this.

"Sir, this is about profiling white people."

What??? You have to be kidding me? How do you profile white people? This can't be happening. Seriously, how does profiling help law enforcement catch white people? Whatever, I just wanted to spew talking points from the left.

Yeah, good catch, but this is only one local and isolated incident.

"You forgot about this one."

What is this garbage? I want to talk about how unfairly black people are targeted. What is this? Oh, there is some secondary information?

Yeah, I see your point. Racial profiling has a niche role in police activity. It is a gamble, but it does save police money and resources. Some people will find themselves inconvenienced by this process, but at the same time, it does help find people that fit into a stereotype of who commits certain crimes.

Now don't get me wrong, there should be some checks in place for policing work that is unjustly targeting people. But for the mean time, I can tolerate being a target as long as others can.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hilary Posturing for a Run?

Interesting read. I think Hilary would have us in a better situation that BHO. You heard it here! It would also be too easy to make a pants suit joke as well.

Imagine the DMV, State Licensing and Registration, and Health Care...

What is the best thing about going to the government run bureaus? The friendly service? NO! The short lines? NO! The happy and festive forest creatures rejoicing? NO!

Okay all sarcasm aside, the worst part of going to any of these places is filling out the paperwork...

Apply this to government run health care reform...

All Good Things Come to an End!!!

I am sure you have seen this by now.

All is well that seems well, right? Well if things do end up going unholy...